
Nuno C Cuco - Poems. Shorts. Scripts. Songs.

Sixteen [short story] - Can send through email if requested.

quinta-feira, outubro 21, 2004

Obsession II

Este é o resultado final de "obsession". Apos tanto escrever, modificar, planear dividir em varios poemas mas não o fazer devido ao assunto ser semelhante demais, acabei por decidir em dividir o poema em partes tal como fiz num anterior para melhor assimilar as ideias/sensaçoes que pretendo transmitir. Este é então o poema mais comprido que tenho.

“Obsession II”

(Part I: All the time you’re on my mind)

I find myself talking alone

Just looking at the walls.

I know every corner of this room.

Don’t want to go anywhere else…

I’m expressing my emotions,

Showing you how I feel

Giving you my words to be repaid in actions.

I’m feeling you.

Not one thing, object, action,

Can derive my mind from you.

You do not control my thought,

You are my mind...

You are the time I spend thinking


You know how I feel so why bother telling you?

Is it not obvious my feelings for you?

My uncontrollable desires, necessities

That can only be consumed by you!

(Part II: Feel you here)

Looking forward to unraveling your closes,

Caressing your body,

Or just anxious for your presence,

To hear your voice console me, because I am down,

I am feeling bad now.

And always till you come closer, near.

Just enough for me to steel a kiss,

To feel your mouth, lips, tong, caressing mine.

Smooth gentle touches, licks... the pleasure....

I remember touching you,

My hand near yours,

Feeling your breath near my neck,

My fingers gently caressing your every body,

Drifting slowly down your back

As you whisper in my ear what I mean to you.

(Part III: You, Above Me)

You are unique, a goddess,

Your body a highway of infinite desire,

Curves of abnormal accident rating,

Wishing to slide and turn, caressing,

Not ever finding any flaws.

Your face I am unable to contemplate,

No such beauty seen to date.

I am a glimpse to your image,

Hidden away in the dark.

If only my face was like my soul

For you to mold,

If only I could hold your hand

And make you understand.

(Part IV: Sick Obsession)

I wake up to the desperation

For the lack of your presence,

Hoping every minute to see you once more,

Making my every action a foolish attempt

For this unfundemented purpose.

I must let time make this fade away.

Let this feeling drift for it is in vain.

Stupidly outrages,

Impossible to be conceived under destinies desire.

I must quit fooling myself…

This is my obsession for you:

To be where you are,

To see you by far.

This is what I live to do.


terça-feira, outubro 19, 2004


Ok.. Vamos com calma! Primeiro quero dizer que este poema tem a mesma base dos outros em termos de concepçao: é apenas uma simulaçao de ideias e sensaçoes. Não quero traumatizar ninguem por isso pensem antes de continuar a ler já que a linguagem utilizada é não aconselhavel a menores e a pessoas susceptiveis:) It's just a poem! Anyway, acho que o poema até esta bastante simples, utilizei palavras e expressões de facil assimilação, simplesmente não o acho nada de mais, mas ao mesmo tempo... Acho que tá bom, gosto. Não sei bem porque. Leiam lá.



Que me chupes, lambes, toques, violes,

Me engulas, respires, sopres.

Quero carícias, abraços.

Quero foder, gritar e chorar por mais!

Sentir secreções tais.

Quero-te a ti.

Quero-te a ti e a mim no mesmo sitio,


A toda a hora,

Sempre, nunca!

Ate as almas se esgotarem deste sentimento de luxúria!

Somos homens não mais,

Somos animais!






Vaca, puta! Não dás luta!

Palavras que uso para te motivar,

Te cativar para este acto consumar!

Somos deus hoje, amanha,

Por apenas mais uns minutos!

Amo-te não mais para apenas te ter....


Amanha, mesmo sítio, mesma hora

Minha doce…

Tenho de me ir embora


domingo, outubro 17, 2004

I Love

Já escrevi isto bem antes que qualquer outro poema que aqui tenho mas nunca postei devido á sua simplicidade. Como até gosto, here it is:

"I Love"

The beauty. It is so simple, I love to stare ... I have decayed! Become what i have avoided. I feel! I feel more then i have ever expected. I wish it would go away… The pain, The life I feel, It makes me what I do not want to be, It makes me human ...


sábado, outubro 16, 2004


Bem, este meu ultimo trabalho é sobre o final de uma qualquer relaçao. Os sentimentos de desprezo pela outra pessoa mas na ainda dependencia da sua presença e no facto de todas e quaisquer desculpas pareçam mentiras e todos os argumentos causem dor.

Loved and cherished by you,

I feel now my presence

Is at great dispensed to your well being.

So we were the world,

We’d laugh, mock and twirl.

But when my feelings for you fade...

After all those times we’ve laid,

I can't go on cheating,

Giving you this naive thought my heart is beating.

It is no more.

The anxiety u feel with my depart

And the ecstasy you feel with my presents

Are only a disease.

One I cannot keep feeding.

I will leave you to yourself so you can burn inside

With cries, until it dies.

"The song that reminds me of him,

That smell on my close,

Those things that you chose,

It sickens me.

I must burn my dresses,

Redecorate my room,

Even cut my hare.

Erase my past

So my feelings for u won’t last"

I gave back your things,

Thou I know it will burn.

I’m sorry but I had to make this turn...

We were a foolish attempt

To achieve the human myth,

Feelings endless,

Caused by the desperate need for one another.

But I cannot believe

Your kiss I need

To happiness achieve.

I must leave before I get sick too

But know, the feelings I had, I still do.


quinta-feira, outubro 14, 2004

God’s Megalomania

bem.. mais um.. lol just finished wrighting it. Smalleste untill know, and diferent form the rest. It's about a contradiction in who created who and who is greater then who: god or mankind? A Conflict in god's mind, who needs who. Hope you enjoy it.

"God’s Megalomania”

Bow to me for I am god!

He who you do not deserve to be!

Creator of emotions,

Destroyer of homes,

Be banned from my presence!

Unworthy for your over right,

Outrageous perfection!

A plague, consumers of life,

Sucking all we have to give until starvation!

You are my people

And can do only what options I give you.

I created you, I’ve destroyed you.

You are my all, my suicidal attempt.

With you I was born, with u I will die.

I am God!

Unworthy of your presence...

I ask Men for forgiveness

For I do not deserve to be among thee

To be like you is my ascension,

My rise to perfection.
