
Nuno C Cuco - Poems. Shorts. Scripts. Songs.

Sixteen [short story] - Can send through email if requested.

sábado, maio 29, 2004

AS TEORIAS DO CUCO: Today I Shall Pray To god

Throughout out our lives, there were many times we prayed for god's help, for him to give us something, sometimes material, or to help us get through a dificult time in our life. I recall being 16 and going to tennis practice. At the end of practice we would play and when i was loosing i would stupidly (in my opinion) ask god for help to let me win and make the other play bad! This obviously not hapening i would ask him why and actually come with an even more stupid explination like: it was not ment for me to win, or everyone must be better at something, i lost at this but in something else i am better (fuck i was an idiot!!). You wanna know what the real reason i lost was? It's pretty simple.. I FUCKEN SUCKED!! Or i didn't try hard enough! If instead of hoping for the oponent to make a mistake if i thought of actually playing better maybe the chance of wining would be hier! I've come to a point (for some time already) where i just don't think about the afterlife or god or all that stuff anymore! I find it absurd. I live my life ocording to the things I know, to the facts. The things that leed me to taking certain options is my happyness and the affect this would have on the people surrounding me. I do not and never will ask some suposed to be superior being for help when nothing actually makes me believe that he exists! And even if there was such a "person" if i want something i should achieve it on own merit. I feel that if one obtains a certain objective in his life it is because of his effort. If you want a fucking girl to like you don't sit around at home hoping for her to knock at your door asking for directions!! Go out! Meet new people! (this is just one example). If one a person you know died because of a heart attack don't ask god why, and don't reach the stupid conclusion that it was his time. The actual reason for his death, and this will come as a shock to some of you, is.. Your body cannot survive when your heart stops! Yes it is true.. Sad but true! And no!! God didn't make this rule! Evolution did! With time and by observing people and society i have come to despise religion (but i do not despise people with these beliefs, i respect each person's choices). I am anti-religion for many reasons, one of them being that i think the first step to peace would be abolishing all religions (i will talk about this in the future). Another reason is that i feel religion controls our actions, and inhibits us of doing things sometimes we think would be the right thing to do. I see many people (mostly above 40) just living extremely monotonous lifes! Going to work everyday then getting home watching TV and sleeping (yes, they eat too). And if you ask these people why they do this, the answer is almost always the same: "i will be rewarded in the afterlife". I find this situation sad!! These people could actually be enjoing themselves, doing what they like, seeing the world, but don't because this is unnecessary, and being so it is wrong in the eyes of god! That perfect being with a conscience. What i am trying to say is, live your life at the most and do what YOU can to be happy, keeping in mind only the people that really matter and forgeting supernatural influences, like religion and astroligy. If god was perfect he wouldn't be judging you. I truly hope you have a nice day.. Farewell

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